PHPFusion is an all-in-one integrated and scalable platform that will fit any purpose when it comes to
website productions, whether you are creating Business sites, Community portals or Personal sites.
Founded as an open source project under the GNU AGPL v3, PHPFusion is licensed to be open and free to use.
Derivative codes must be shared unless we grant you a license to waive the AGPL agreement.
This is what we believe gives the best possible protection for both PHPFusion and all the Developers that
creates Addons for PHPFusion.
Feel free to post any questions or report any problems in our forums over at
PHPFusion Main.
For License questions you can visit our
License section.
This software package is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This software package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this software package. If not, see
You are breaking international law if you remove our footer copyright notice without a valid license.
The footer are expected to look like the following example with the link to us intact,
Powered by PHPFusion Copyright © 2022 PHP Fusion Inc
Released as free software without warranties under
GNU Affero GPL v3.
For copyright removal options please refer to our license information page at
Features such as User, Administrators, User Groups managing and so forth are all available.
Some key features such as Private Messages and Custom Pages are automatically installed.
The rest of the above are only installed by your choice, we have however made it available with Core.
For more detailed Documentation please visit
PHPFusion Main.
Software | Version |
PHP | 7.0 or higher |
MySQL | 5.6 or higher |
Apache | 2.4+ or higher |
Nginx | 1.8+ or higher |
mod_rewrite or equivalent for SEO |
You have to create a MySQL database. You can do this via your web-hosting control panel or phpMyAdmin. Make sure you have your MySQL access details at hand including the hostname, username, password and database name as you will need to specify these during setup.
1. Upload the contents of files folder to your web server.
2. Unless you run PHPFusion on a local server, in most cases you will need to CHMOD the following files and folders to 777:
Infusions shipped with the Core requires the following folders to be CHMODed to 777
Some hosts does not allow CHMOD 777, in that case you can use CHMOD 755 if CHMOD 777 fails.
3. Go to your website where install should start automatically. If not, you should run the installer manually by entering your full site url followed by /install.php Example:
4. Complete the setup process by following all on-screen prompts.
Before anything we strongly recommend that you back up your files and your database.
Replace all files, start install.php and complete the form.
Before anything we strongly recommend that you back up your files and your database.
PHPFusion 9 is a major update from your previous PHPFusion version.
Make sure that your hosting environment meets the requirements for this version:
- PHP 5.6.40 or higher
- MySQL 5.6 or higher
This upgrade procedure can be very demanding depending on how much content your have.
Please note that all User Fields will not be upgraded. A new set of standard fields will be installed.
The same goes for your Site links. A new set of default Site Links will be inserted.
Panels have six new positions and new settings. All existing Panels will be updated.
Per default all Panels will be activated in all site areas.
If you have custom PHP codes in Panels or Custom Pages, you must enable PHP Code Execution.
Admin > Settings > Security Settings > Allow PHP Execution.
PHPFusion 9.0 is in many parts compatible with version 7 and 8,
however be ready for issues and re-populate your site with older Addon content slowly.
There have been a massive amount of changes to all Core systems, meaning that some Addons Mods, Infusions,
Panels and Themes may not work as intended.
The upgrade will be in two steps
You need to follow these instructions precisely.
Step 1
Step 2
Your site should now be fully upgraded and ready to run PHPFusion 9.
In order to further optimize your site you can enter the System Administration > Infusions and defuse the Infusions that are of no use to you.
If you have any questions please feel free to ask for help in our Support Forums.
A special thank you goes in no particular order to,
RobiNN - Development Manager.
karrak - Solid Core Senior Developer.
Robert Gaudyn {Wooya} - Inspired Multilingual features, Initial Panels Admin handler design, RSS Panel, Panel positioning ideas, New user info panel base layout.
Ankur - Initial design SEO Engine.
Rizado - Locale, User Fields, Date/Time system, Translate system.
Rimelek - Database Factory, Improvements on Defender, Dynamics.
Tyler Hurlbut - Initial design for Fusion Dynamics, and jQuery output handler.
JoiNNN - Initial design Token framework, Improvements on Defender and Dynamics.
Craig - Initial design for Septenary Theme.
Marcus G - Initial design email template system.
SuNflOw - Multiple fixes provided.
Dennis Vorpahl {Webmeteor} - Multiple fixes provided.
dialektika - Multiple fixes provided.
Jugolo - Multiple fixes provided.
Dahlgren - Multiple fixes provided.
WuChEn - Multiple fixes provided.
Talocha - Multiple fixes provided.
Brendan Scarvell - Reporting security issues.
Routh - Help with upgrade script testing, Multiple fixes provided.
MiChAeLoKGB - BBCode fixes provided.
Keddy - Multiple fixes provided.
helmuth - Beta testing and error reporting.
janmol {Jan.M} - Beta testing and error reporting. (RiP)
Kvido - Beta testing and error reporting.
Alex L - Beta testing and error reporting.
Balin50 - Beta testing and error reporting.
Wanabo - Multiple fixes provided.
ctokepa - Multiple spelling issues adjusted.
DosSpiele - RC testing and error reporting.
Homdax {Richard.A} - RC testing and error reporting.
MPolleke - Multiple fixes provided.
Ali, Ikram, Ramlan, Nik and Sham from SEC Consult Vulnerability Lab {} - Reporting security issues.
Songohan22 - Reporting security issues.
r0ck3t1973 - Reporting security issues.
thiennv-2147 - Reporting security issues.
SecGus - Reporting security issues.
Alexey Solovyev (solov9ev) - Reporting security issues.
OosmanRak - Reporting security issues.
Aleksey Solovev (Positive Technologies) - Reporting security issues.
A special thank you to all who have helped with locale translations.
It is very hard to list everyone that contributes to locales.
Some do full translations while others do some minor adjustments either by forums or directly by GitHub.
Remember to give your self credits in the global.php as the initial locale author.